"We Saw His Star When It Rose"
Matthew 2:1-12 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/29/2013 am)
"Three Words of the Gospel"
I Corinthians 16:1-24 & L.D. 52 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/29/2013 pm)
"God is With Us - We Have Seen His Glory"
Christmas Day 2013
John 1:1-18 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/25/2013)
"The Ark of the Covenant and Christ, the Shepherd King"
Exodus 25:10-22 & John 10:1-18 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/22/2013 am)
"Lead Us Not into Temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil"
II Chronicles 26:1-23 & L.D. 52 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/22/2013 pm)
"The Table of Showbread and Christ, the Bread of Life"
Exodus 25:23-30 & John 6:22-40 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/15/2013 am)
"The Altar of Incense and Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life"
Exodus 30:1-10, 34-38, John 14:1-14 & Belgic Confession Art. 26
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/15/2013 pm)
"The Announcement of Peace"
Isaiah 52 ~ Rev. Maynard Koerner
Professor at Heidelberg Theological Seminary (12/8/2013 am)
"The Peaceful Life"
Isaiah 52 ~ Rev. Maynard Koerner
Professor at Heidelberg Theological Seminary (12/8/2013 am)
"The Golden Lampstand & Christ, This World's One True Light"
Exodus 25:31-40 & John 9:1-41 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/1/2013 am)
"And Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors"
Luke 7:36-50 & L.D. 51 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/1/2013 pm)
"A Uniquely Christian Thanksgiving"
Thanksgiving Day Worship 2013
Philippians 1:1-11 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/28/2013 am)
"Our Help Is In the Name of the Lord"
Mark 4:35-41 & Psalm 124 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi ( 11/24/2013 am)
"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"
I Kings 16:29 - 17:16 & L.D. 50 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/24/2013 pm)
"Redemption Assured For The Asking"
Ruth 3:1-18 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/17/2013 am)
"Souls Inspired and Wills Subjected"
Psalm 103 & L.D. 49 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/17/2013 pm)
"We Look to Him Whose Throne Is In Heaven"
Psalm 123 & John 13:1-17 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/10/2013 am)
"Kingdom Principles Celebrated in Song"
Psalm 2 & L.D. 48 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/10/2013 pm)
"People Set Free to Worship The Living God!"
Psalm 122 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/3/2013 am)
"Hallowed Be Thy Name"
I Samuel 12:1-25 & L.D. 47 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/3/2013 pm)
"My Help Comes From the Lord!"
Psalm 121 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (10/27/2013 am)
"Our Father Who Art in Heaven"
John 3:1-21, I John 3:1-10 & L.D. 46
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (10/27/2013 pm)
"The Repentance That Leads to Rejoicing in God"
Psalm 120 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (10/20/2013 am)
"Praying Prayers Pleasing to God"
Daniel 9:1-27 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (10/20/2013 pm)
"Know It All"
I John 2:18-27 ~ Rev. G.I. Williamson (10/13/2013 am)
"The Place of Works"
James 2:15-26 ~ Rev. Travis Grassmid
Pastor of Zion Ref. Church (RCUS) Menno, SD (10/13/2013 pm)
"Christ Preserves His Church"
Revelation 3:7-13 ~ Mr. Cody Schwichtenberg
Student at Heidelberg Theological Seminary (10/6/2013 am)
"Behold the Harvest"
John 4:27-43 ~ Rev. Travis Grassmid
Pastor of Zion Ref. Church (RCUS) Menno, SD (10/6/2013 pm)
"Jesus' Parable of Talents and Rewards"
Matt. 25:14-30 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/29/2013 am)
"Covetousness: A Constant Reminder to Look to Christ"
Matthew 5:43-48, Romans 7:7-25 & L.D. 44
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/29/2013 pm)
"Jesus' Tale of Ten Virgins"
Matthew 25:1-13 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/22/2013 am)
"And You Also Will Bear Witness to the Truth"
John 15:18-27, John 18:28-40 & L.D. 43
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/22/2013 pm)
"The Boasting Song About Christ"
Song of Solomon 2:1-17 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/15/2013 am)
"Time of Your Life"
Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8 ~ Rev. Dan Donovan (9/15/2013 pm)
"The Power of Christ Shown to Penitent Sinners"
Luke 8:40-56 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/8/2013 am)
"The Sine Qua Non of Sanctified Shrewdness"
Luke 16:1-13 & L.D. 42 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/8/2013 pm)
"Christ's Parable of the Leaven and the Flour"
I Cor. 5:1-13 & Matt. 13:33-35 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/1/2013 am)
"God's Command Against Casual Intercourse"
Jer. 2:1-13, I Cor. 6:12-20 & L.D.41 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/1/2013 pm)
"The Spiritual Ruin of the Super Rich Fool"
Luke 12:13-21 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/25/2013 am)
"The Precept With Which God Protects Life"
II Samuel 11:1 - 12:15 & L.D. 40 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/25/2013 pm)
"Jesus' Miracle of Multiplied Bread"
John 6:1-15 & I Cor. 1:18-31 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/18/2013 am)
"That Your Days May Be Long in the Land"
Jeremiah 6:1-19, Ephesians 6:1-9 & L.D. 39
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/18/2013 pm)
"Jesus Is the Narrow Door to Life Eternal"
Luke 13:22-30 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/11/2013 am)
"The Sabbath Day As Divinely Given"
Exodus 31:12-18, Matthew 11:25-12:8 & L.D. 38
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/11/2013 pm)
"Walking Out to Jesus on the Water"
Matt. 14:22-36 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/4/2013 am)
"The Awesome Privilege God Has Given Us to Call Upon His Name"
Psalm 20:1-9, Matt. 5:33-37 & L.D. 36 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/4/2013 pm)
"A True Believer's Portrait"
I Samuel 17 & Psalm 11 ~ Rev. G.I. Williamson (7/28/2013 am)
"The Defeat of Satan"
John 12:20-33, Romans 16:17-20 & Belgic Confession Art. 13
Rev. G.I. Williamson (7/28/2013 pm)
"Jesus' Parable About the Mustard Seed Mutation"
Matthew 13:31-33; 16:1-12 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/21/2013 am)
"The Only True Image of the Invisible God"
Exodus 32:1-35, Col. 1:15-23 & L.D. 35 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/21/2013 pm)
"Jesus' Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds"
Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/14/2013 am)
"But As For Me and My House, We Will Serve the LORD"
Joshua 24:1-28, John 12:44-50 & L. D. 34b
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/14/2013 pm)
"Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Freedom"
II Corinthians 3:1-28 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/7/2013 am)
"The Glorious Freedom of the Children of God"
James 1:16-27 & Lord's Day 34a ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/7/2013 pm)
"The Parable of the Sower, the Seed and the Soils"
Matthew 13:1-23 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/30/2013 am)
"To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice"
I Samuel 15:1-35 & L.D. 33 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/30/2013 pm)
"The Foundational Question Every Builder Must Ask & Answer"
Luke 6:17-49 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/23/2013 am)
"Gratefully Living Under God's Amazing Grace"
Romans 6:1-23 & L.D. 32 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/23/2013 pm)
"The Tremendous Strength of a Tender Hearted Man"
II Chronicles 33:21-34:33 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6-16-2013 am)
"The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven"
Matt. 16:13-20, II Cor. 6:14-7:16 & L.D. 31 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6-16-2013 pm)
"Taken From Shame to Honor at Table"
II Samuel 9:1-13 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/9/2013 am)
"The Pneumatic Answer to the Question of Nicodemus"
John 3:1-21 & Lord's Day 25 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/9/2013 pm)
"The Extraordinary Calling of Ordinary Men"
I Corinthians 1:18-39 & Luke 3:7-21 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/2/2013 am)
"You Might Be Surprised Who Goes Home Justified"
Luke 18:9-14 & Lord's Day 24 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/2/2013 pm)
"Keep Your Roots in the Water"
Psalm 1 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/26/2013 am)
"A Celebration of True Faith"
Romans 3:9-31 & Lord's Day 23 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/26/2013 pm)
"Wind, Fire, and Filling with the Holy Spirit"
Acts 2:1-13 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/19/2013 am)
"Spirit Revealed Wisdom"
I Corinthians 2:1-16 & Lord's Day 20 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/19/2013 pm)
Service of Installation ~ Rev. Joel Alan Vander Kooi ~ May 16, 2013 ~ 7:30pm
Sermon: "Fulfilling Your Ministry" ~ 2 Timothy 4:1-5 ~ Rev. Bradd Nymeyer
Rev. Simon Lievaart ~ Vows of the Congregation & Exhortation to Minister and Congregation
"Christ Commands You Not to Judge"
Luke 6:37-42 ~ Mr. Robert Van der Woerd
"Christ Comforts You With Eternal Bliss"
I Corinthians 15:35-58 & Lord's Day 22 ~ Mr. Robert Van der Woerd
"Jesus the LORD is our Good Shepherd"
Psalm 23 ~ Rev. James Sinke (1/1/2012)