"Seeing God's Salvation"
Luke 2:21-40 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/28/2014 am)
"Gaining a God Conscious Perspective on Life"
Old Year's Service 2014
Genesis 48:8-22; 50:15-21 & Canons of Dort, Art. 1-8
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/28/2014 pm)
"The Song of the Angels Concerning the Christ"
Christmas Day Service 2014
Luke 2:1-14 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/25/2014 am)
"Christmas Requires the Exercise of True Faith"
Luke 1:5-56 & Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 7
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/21/2014 am)
"God's Salvation Turns Our Silence Into Singing"
Luke 1:57-80 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (12/21/2014 pm)
"Heir of Righteousness"
Genesis 6:1-7:10 & Hebrews 11:7 ~ Dr. Maynard Koerner (12/14/2014 am)
"Praise to God"
Luke 1:57-80 ~ Dr. Maynard Koerner (12/14/2014 pm)
"Suffering Now, Comfort Later"
Revelation 21:1-8 ~ Mr. Cody Schwichtenberg (12/7/2014 am)
"Jesus... Our Great High Priest"
Hebrews 7:1-28 ~ Rev. Scott Henry (12/7/2014 pm)
"The Devil Raises His Ugly Head"
Ezra 4:1-6 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/30/2014 am)
"A Man to Fulfill God's Purpose"
Isaiah 46:1-13 & Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 6
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/30/2014 pm)
"The Lord Your God Has Dealt Wonderously With You!"
Thanksgiving Day Service 2014
Joel 2:1-27 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/27/2014 am)
"The Foundation of the Lord's House Laid"
Ezra 3:6-13 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/23/2014 am)
"Enter / Escape Through the Narrow Door"
Luke 13:1-5, 22-35 & Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 5
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/23/2014 pm)
"The Priority of Atonement and Gratitude"
Ezra 3:1-7 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/16/2014 am)
"Why Even the Wrath of God Comforts Us in Christ"
Nahum 1:1-15 & Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 4
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/16/2014 pm)
"The Service of Christ - Our Highest Privilege"
Ezra 2:59-70 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/9/2014 am)
"Be Renewed After the Image of Your Creator"
Colossians 3:1-17 & Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 3
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/9/2014 pm)
"The Divine Reason for the Decree of Cyrus"
Ezra 1; 2:1-58 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/2/2014 am)
"Man's Sordid Misery and God's Saving Grace"
Genesis 25:19-34 & Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 2
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (11/2/2014 pm)
"Only the Word of God Brings Reformation"
II Chronicles 17:1-13 & Acts 17:11-12
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (10/26/2014 am)
"The Seed of the New Life"
I Peter 1:13-2:3 & Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 7
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (10/26/2014 pm)
"What Shall I Give You?"
I Kings 3:1-15 ~ Rev. Herman Van Stedum (10/19/2014 am)
"Prayer of a Believer in a Time of Sorrow"
Psalm 13 ~ Cody Schwichtenberg (10/19/2014 pm)
"Do You Love Jesus?"
John 21 ~ Rev. Herman Van Stedum (10/12/2014 am)
"Resurrection Instruction"
John 11:17-37 ~ Rev. Travis Grassmid (10/12/2014 pm)
"Why Am I Here?"
Psalm 139; Colossians 3:1-7 & Psalm 100:1-5
Rev. Herman Van Stedum (10/5/2014 am)
"Church Discipline"
I Corinthians 5 ~ Dr. Robert Grossmann (10/5/2014 pm)
"From Now On You Will Be Catching Men"
Luke 5:1-11 & John 21:1-14 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/28/2014 am)
"The Christian's Only Comfort - Belonging to Christ"
Deuteronomy 15:12-18, Psalm 40 & Heidelberg Catechism, Lord's Day 1
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/28/2014 pm)
"A Time for Eating and Drinking"
Luke 5:27-39 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/21/2014 am)
"A Trinitarian Greeting"
Revelation 1 ~ Rev. Dan Donovan (9/21/2014 pm)
"The Great Wedding Banquet of Our God"
Luke 14:1-24 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/14/2014 am)
"Oh, Taste and See That the Lord is Good"
Psalm 34; Belgic Confession, Art. 33 & L.D. 25
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/14/2014 pm)
"The Calling of a Faithful Prophet"
Jeremiah 1:1-12 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/7/2014 am)
"The Order and Discipline of the Church"
I Corinthians 5:1-6:11 & Belgic Confession, Art. 32
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (9/7/2014 pm)
"The Sight Given to Blind Bartimaeus"
Mark 10:46-52 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/31/2014 am)
"Love for the Church's Leadership Makes for Joy"
Hebrews 13:1-25 & Belgic Confession, Art. 31
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/31/2014 pm)
"Jesus Prepares His Own for Life in a Hostile World"
John 15:18-16:15 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/24/2014 am)
"Elijah Finds a Servant of Ahab the Troubler"
I Kings 18:1-19 ~ Rev. James Sinke (8/24/2014 pm)
"Cleansing the Temple"
II Chronicles 6:18-21 & John 2:1-25
Rev. Herman Van Stedum (8/17/2014 am)
"The Gift of Life"
Hebrews 11:1-16 ~ Rev. Maynard Koerner (8/17/2014 pm)
"Three Questions Brought On By Storm"
Mark 4:35-41 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/10/2014 am)
"The Government of the True Church"
I Timothy 3:1-16 & Belgic Confession, Art. 30
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/10/2014 pm)
"God Prizes Obedience Above Creativity"
Leviticus 10:1-11 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/3/2014 am)
"How the True Church Differs from the False Church"
Romans 7:7-25 & Belgic Confession, Art. 29
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (8/3/2014 pm)
"The Church as Gatherer"
Luke 11:14-23 ~ Rev. Bill Green (7/27/2014 pm)
Missionary from Costa Rica
"Get Involved in Promoting Christ's Kingdom"
Luke 8:1-15 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/27/2014 pm)
"Unlean Donkeys Redeemed with a Spotless Lamb"
Exodus 34:1-35 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/20/2014 am)
"Everyone is Duty Bound to Join the True Church"
I John 3:11 - 4:6 & Belgic Confession, Art. 28
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/20/2014 pm)
"Zealous for the Lord with The Sword of Truth"
Matthew 10:24-39 & Exodus 32:1-35
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/13/2014 am)
"The Catholic (Universal) Christian Church"
I Kings 19:1-18 & Belgic Confession, Art. 27
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/13/2014 pm)
"The Lessons of the Waters of Marah and Elim"
John 4:1-26 & Exodus 15:22-27
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/6/2014 am)
"Christ, Our Only Mediator & Advocate with God"
John 17:1-26 & Belgic Confession, Art. 26
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (7/6/2014 pm)
"Wonders That Work the Will of God"
Exodus 7:14-8:19 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/29/2014 am)
"All Symbols & Shadows Accomplished in Christ"
Hebrews 8:1-13 & Belgic Confession, Art. 25
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/29/2014 pm)
"God's Peace in Perilous Times"
II Chronicles 32:7-23 & Psalm 46:1-11
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/22/2014 am)
"Divine Pruning for Even More Production"
John 15:1-17 & Belgic Confession, Art. 24
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/22/2014 pm)
"What Godly Dads Do Differently'
Ephesians 5:15-6:9 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/15/2014 am)
"The Blessed Connection Between Penitence and Praise"
Psalm 32 & Belgic Confession, Art. 23
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/15/2014 pm)
"Hospitality Hope"
I Peter 4:7-11 ~ Rev. Spencer Aalsburg (6/8/2014 am)
"Jesus Sends the Father's Promise to His Church"
Acts 2:1-13 ~ Rev. Alan Camarigg (6/8/2014 pm)
"I AM is Sending You"
Exodus 3:1-17 & John 8:48-59 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/1/2014 am)
"Free From Accusation in Christ"
Colossians 1:1-23 & Belgic Confession, Art. 22
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (6/1/2014 pm)
"The Only High Priest Who Sat Down"
2014 Ascension Day Service
Hebrews 10:1-25 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/29/2014 pm)
"Someday Every Knee Will Bow to Jesus"
Genesis 37:1-36 & Romans 14:9-12
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/25/2014 am)
"God Himself Will Provide the Lamb"
Genesis 22:1-19 & Belgic Confession, Art. 20 & 21
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/25/2014 pm)
"Communion With Christ in the Conflicts of Life"
Genesis 14:1-24 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/18/2014 am)
"Two Natures in the One Person of the Christ"
Luke 1:30-35; 4:38-41; 8:22-25; 22:39-46; 24:36-53
Belgic Confession, Art. 19 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/18/2014 pm)
"The Door That Divides"
Genesis 6:9-7:24 & L.D. 26 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/11/2014 am)
"The Implications of the Incarnation of Christ Jesus"
Philippians 2:1-18 & Belgic Confession, Art. 18
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/11/2014 pm)
"In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth"
Genesis 1:1-2:3 & L.D. 9 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/4/2014 am)
"The Recovery of Fallen Man"
Genesis 3:1-24 & Belgic Confession, Art. 17
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (5/4/2014 pm)
"Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?"
Luke 24:13-35 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (4/27/2014 am)
"The Doctrine of Eternal Election"
Ephesians 1:1-23 & Belgic Confession, Art. 16
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (4/27/2014 pm)
The Redemptive Significance of the Stone Rolled Away"
Matthew 28:1-10 & Mark 16:1-20 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (4/20/2014 am)
"Resurrection Proof of God's Anointed"
Numbers 16:41-17:13 & Philippians 3:7-11 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (4/20/2014 pm)
"The Curtain of the Temple Torn in Two"
2014 Good Friday Service
Matthew 27:27-61 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (4/18/2014 pm)
"Hosanna to the King of Hearts"
Luke 19:11-48 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (4/13/2014 am)
"Why Jesus Suffered Under Pontius Pilate"
John 18:28 - 19:22 & L.D. 15
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (4/13/2014 pm)
"The Fallen Incapacity of God's Grand Image Bearer"
"Jesus' Betrayal by One of His Own"
Matthew 26:47-56 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (4/6/2014 pm)
"Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God"
"The Great Anguish of Christ in Gethsemane"
Matt. 26:36-46; Luke 22:39-46 & L.D. 15 & 16
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (3/30/2014 pm)
"This Man Receives Sinners and Eats with Them"
"God Intended It For Good"
Genesis 45:1-28; 50:15-21 & Belgic Confession, Art. 13
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (3/23/2014 pm)
"Our Savior's Redemption in Samson's Riddle"
"The Great Cresendo of Praise"
I Chronicles 9:1-3, 14-34 & Psalm 134
Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (3/16/2014 pm)
"Pray in the Holy Spirit - Lead Me to the Rock That Is Higher Than I"
2014 Annual Day of Prayer Service
Psalm 61 & Jude 17-23 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (3/13/2014 pm)
"How Good and Pleasant When Brothers Dwell in Unity"
Genesis 3:1-17 ~ Rev. Alan Camarigg (3/9/2014 pm)
Pastor, Hills United Reformed Church, Hills, MN
"The Blessedness of Those Who Believe"
"Called to an Obedience That is Not Boring"
II Samuel 6:1-23 & Psalm 132 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (3/2/2014 pm)
"Holy Trinity: One in Essence, Three in Person"
"The Secrets of a Humble Heart"
I Samuel 17 & Psalm 131 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (2/23/2014 pm)
"A Fiery Letter to Fickle Churches"
"Put Your Hope in the Lord"
Acts 16:16-40 & Psalm 130 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (2/16/2014 pm)
"God Himself Made the Great Introduction"
"Divine Sovereignty Triumphs Over Devilish Schemes"
Isaiah 53 & Psalm 129 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (2/9/2014 pm)
"The Origin, Canon, and Authority of the Written Word of God"
"You Will Eat the Fruit of Your Labor"
II Thessalonians 3:1-18 & Psalm 128 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (2/2/2014 pm)
"The Means by Which God Makes Himself Known"
"The House the Lord Builds is Blest"
Genesis 11:1-9 & Psalm 127 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (1/26/2014 pm)
"The Confession of Those Who Have Faith in God"
"Children of Their Father"
I Peter 1:1-25 ~ Rev. Steven Poelman (1/19/2014 pm)
Teacher at Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Dehra Dun, India
"Run the Race of Faith with Endurance"
"Life in the Lord is Laughter and Joy"
Ezra 6:1-22 & Psalm 126 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (1/12/2014 pm)
"By Faith Enoch Walked With God - Do You?"
Genesis 5:1-32 & Hebrews 11:5-6 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (1/5/2014 am)
"The Security of Those the Lord Surrounds"
II Kings 6:8-23 & Psalm 125:1-5 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (1/5/2014 pm)
"The Comfort of a God Guided Life"
New Year's Day 2014
Job 23:1-17 ~ Rev. Joel Vander Kooi (1/1/2014)